Friday, October 31, 2008

Mesopotamia in June 10/31/2008

of words and thoughts
of labels and judgements
by scholars and musicians
by proper and slang
failure by putting pen to paper
every word another step
towards gloaming
and away from the light

gloaming \GLOH-ming\, noun:
Twilight; dusk.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Playground vs. World 10/30/2008

sometimes feebleness
or lack of power
sometimes hubris
or temper

evoking compassion
or pity

no defining rule
no correct behavior

some conquer the weak
some pick them up
brush them off
and say,
"come on, lets go get some chocolate milk"

hubris \HYOO-bruhs\, noun:
Overbearing pride or presumption.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Bivouac 10/29/2008

No Bivouac
looking for shade
but not purgatory
either hell
or scorched heaven
yet tempting
to try
or to remain

both yield
the same

bivouac \BIV-wak, BIV-uh-wak\, noun:
1. An encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.

intransitive verb:
1. To encamp for the night, usually under little or no shelter.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Magnificent Hulk? 10/28/2008

Super hero adjectives
who picks em
and how we never think
not once
that our feared snow mongrel
the bain of weak minded
fame whores
would have had to claim they found
the execrable snowman

execrable \EK-sih-kruh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Deserving to be execrated; detestable; abominable.
2. Extremely bad; of very poor quality; very inferior.

Monday, October 27, 2008

seamstress pundit 10/27/2008

no corroboration
or edification
could impede,
her pontification
or oration
about the material tweed

corroborate \kuh-ROB-uh-rayt\, transitive verb:
To strengthen or make more certain with other evidence

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fear Mongering 10/25/2008

Race bigotry
back or forth
country first
the repulican quandary
knowing fear and race
will deter more votes
than policy and dignity
will attract
Capitalizm, win at all costs
maybe that quandary
was not one at all

quandary \KWAHN-duh-ree; -dree\, noun:
A state of difficulty, perplexity, doubt, or uncertainty.

Friday, October 10, 2008

he moved by legerdemain 10/10/2008

Eddie V should have thought about
legerdemain when he was naming that song
not as well rhymed as his option
but would have led more listeners to
the dictionary
or at least google

legerdemain \lej-ur-duh-MAIN\, noun:
1. Sleight of hand.
2. A display of skill, trickery, or artful deception.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Animals 10/9/2008

sort of like fiancée
words used
and more importantly overused
with a self declared aloofness
in their tone
and a self important grin
on their face
by people you and I both know

The room fills with brainwaves
waves crashing from one person
to the next
all in unison
of both amplitude
and meter
waves which surf the common theme

What a donkey this person is
if they knew how lame they were
maybe they would give up the charade
they know,
they have to
ha ha, charade you are
ha ha, charade you are.

aficionado \uh-fish-ee-uh-NAH-doh\, noun:
An enthusiastic admirer; a fan.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hussein McCain 10/8/2008

even the ones that are somewhat tolerable
you know
the kind that can mess up
a yes or no question
circumlocution seems to be
a platform vs. a plague
it is comical and sad
it is a yes or no question
not a discussion of the tenants of national socialism
yes an ethos

circumlocution \sir-kuhm-loh-KYOO-shuhn\, noun:
The use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few; indirect or roundabout language.

Friday, October 3, 2008

moving 10/3/2008

"your moving to Montana?"




I don't see the connection?

well maybe there isn't a literal connection

No, there is no connection

well I am moving anyway,
and I thought you should know.

littoral \LIH-tuh-rul\, adjective:
1. Of, relating to, or on a coastal or shore region, especially a seashore.

1. A coastal region, especially the zone between the limits of high and low tides.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Donny 10/2/2008

decision to fire
starting from your heart
overpowering both mind and god
results don't change intentions
from deep spots
de-coagulation of stiffness
clenched and flying
from hip towards neck
inches away

donnybrook \DON-ee-brook\, noun:
1. A brawl; a free-for-all.
2. A heated quarrel or dispute.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

showering in bed 10/1/2008

Shower or not
tomorrow gets sweaty
no one sees me
why do I?
but alas
a slugabed I can not be
my legs stick together
sweat from previous day
I can lay here
but sleep eludes me
no steering wheel
shower would take 4 minutes
but laying here seems wise
mistakes repeated

slugabed \SLUHG-uh-bed\, noun:
One who stays in bed until a late hour; a sluggard.