Friday, August 29, 2008

Senior 8/29/2008

one to redress the state of our nation
to address our narcissism as a country
and as individuals
to let us know that he will do his part
but success relies more on our part
and us holding each other and ourselves
to standards uncomfortable
even difficult
contact from the past
redressing disorder in the universe
a connection lost through space, time
and our northern border
relief, anticipation, uncertainty
to know the world still revolves on its access
feelings had, were indeed shared
and time does not weaken bonds
bonds created with truth, and stone
by those with character and heart
The world will right itself
as it always does
the next phase approaches
spinning with the momentum
of millions of souls
all hoping for the same thing

redress \rih-DRES\, transitive verb:
1. To put in order again; to set right; to emend; to revise.
2. To set right, as a wrong; to repair, as an injury; to make amends for; to remedy; to relieve from.
3. To make amends or compensation to; to relieve of anything unjust or oppressive; to bestow relief upon.

1. The act of redressing; a making right; reformation; correction; amendment.
2. A setting right, as of wrong, injury, or oppression; as, the redress of grievances; hence, relief; remedy; reparation; indemnification.

Monday, August 18, 2008

maiden rock WI 8/18/2008

I heard the knell
well before i knew we had finished
it came from my left calf
loud and clear
forshadowing what was to come
slow painful and real
no sucrose, fructose, or glucose
could save what was impending
the doom, the struggle
the last 45 miles

Maiden Rock, was my resting place
although my body is not there.

knell \NEL\, verb:
1. The stoke of a bell tolled at a funeral or at the death of a person; a death signal; a passing bell; hence, figuratively, a warning of, or a sound indicating, the passing away of anything.

intransitive verb:
1. To sound as a knell; especially, to toll at a death or funeral; hence, to sound as a warning or evil omen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Scott Tripp's workouts 8/12/2008

4 sets of 100's, 200's
and most of all
the ungodly kicks
at 50 seconds
enough to enervate
the scaliest beasts
who walk on land
and go to work
dazed and dry
with funny eyes around thier sockets
where there marks should be

enervate \EN-ur-vayt\, transitive verb:
1. To deprive of vigor, force, or strength; to render feeble; to weaken.
2. To reduce the moral or mental vigor of.

Monday, August 11, 2008

yes 8/11/2008

of love
of life
of happiness
the soul
the center
the lungs
where breath becomes words
and the outside becomes internal
love and god meet
and mix in red blood cells

provenance \PROV-uh-nuhn(t)s\, noun:
Origin; source.

Friday, August 8, 2008

wanted it to be cool 8/8/2008

A vexillologist by day
and well
most likely a vexillologist by night
because people like this
are not much more
than strugglers

vexillology \vek-sil-AHL-uh-jee\, noun:
The study of flags.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

albatros 8/7/2008

Narcissism breeds asperity
as humbleness breeds calm
the road to both are equally as long
and take the same amount of time and effort
the benefit to all who pass is evident
and the animosity and swelling
reduced so the lily pad lays smooth

asperity \as-PAIR-uh-tee\, noun:
1. Roughness of surface; unevenness.
2. Roughness or harshness of sound; a quality that grates upon the ear.
3. Roughness of manner; severity; harshness.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

huh 8/6/2008

she spoony
he saucer
her issues
his problem
thier life
our comedy

spoony \SPOO-nee\, adjective:
1. Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental.
2. Foolishly or sentimentally in love.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lost verbage and bad writing 8/5/2008

We vituperate the chinese
for their censorship and way of trying to control
We place more value in what sharon stone says
than the european union
when it comes to our politics
and politicians
great tits don't make someone correct
or knowledgeable
but unfortunatly
great tits can make us forget that
sheep love tits
and our media loves showing great tits
because everyone knows sex sells
thus if she says china is wrong
than she must be right.

vituperate \vy-TOO-puh-rate, -TYOO-, vi-\, verb:
To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.

Monday, August 4, 2008

back at it 8/4/2008

A heart like a bird
a brain like a melon
soft without cunning
steel without the annealing process
falling through a medium unannounced
obeisance evident by the formation of the landing
conforming only to the laws of gravity
seeking to destroy what others embrace
life as we know it
is not as we know it
only as we feel others see it
similarly to us

obeisance \oh-BEE-suhn(t)s; oh-BAY-suhn(t)s\, noun:
1. An expression of deference or respect, such as a bow or curtsy.
2. Deference, homage.