Tuesday, July 22, 2008

pickup 102 7/22/08

to approach a woman in a bar
or a latrine for that matter
is easy to the extent
that she is stationary
but to approach a gamine
and ask for directions
or a date
is like harnessing the power
of the sun
as it slithers
like a water snake
through your hands
and down the street
laughing without conviction

gamine \gam-EEN; GAM-een\, noun:
1. A girl who wanders about the streets; an urchin.
2. A playfully mischievous girl or young woman.

Monday, July 21, 2008

donny who loves kickball 7/21/2008

infinity plus one
infinity plus infinity
infinity times infinity
the escalation of two hopeful scholars
chest bumping thier supernumerary skills
to the rest of the class
busy playing kickball.

supernumerary \soo-puhr-NOO-muh-rair-ee; -NYOO-\, adjective:
1. Exceeding the stated, standard, or prescribed number.
2. Exceeding what is necessary or desired; superfluous.

1. A supernumerary person or thing.
2. An actor without a speaking part, as a walk-on or an extra in a crowd scene.

Friday, July 18, 2008

T to the Madalion 7/18/2008

Pearl Jam
put tatterdemalion on the conveyer belt
to the midwest
where it was bought and paid for
in large sums at lame stores
when goodwill stood and watched
wondering if they smelled bad
or had salad in their respective teeth.

tatterdemalion \tat-uhr-dih-MAYL-yuhn; -MAY-lee-uhn\, noun:
1. A person dressed in tattered or ragged clothing; a ragamuffin.

1. Tattered; ragged.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

huh 7/17/2008

it was the anodyne
i was looking for the panacia
so I was disappointed
yet not upset about it.

anodyne \AN-uh-dyn\, adjective:
1. Serving to relieve pain; soothing.
2. Not likely to offend; bland; innocuous.

1. A medicine that relieves pain.
2. Anything that calms, comforts, or soothes disturbed feelings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

poem 101 7/16/2008

I need a medic




mephitic \muh-FIT-ik\, adjective:
1. Offensive to the smell; as, mephitic odors.
2. Poisonous; noxious.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

double entant 7/15/2008

there is no such thing as a fiduciary
when it comes to secrets
only the illusion of a fiduciary
as no secret has ever gone untold
and if it has
there would be no way to prove me wrong
think about that.

fiduciary \fih-DOO-shee-air-ee\, adjective:
1. Relating to the holding of something in trust for another.

1. Someone who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others; a trustee.

Monday, July 14, 2008

over and out 7/14/2008

deciding if my goal of a ferrari
308 GTSI was a lame dream to
be a cool guy like Magnum PI
or a sign of cupidity
or some other word
with a definition I
think doesn't fit the word
like it feels like it should be about
a midget with a bow and arrow
or something more obtuse
and less logical
as if it were thought of
by someone with more energy and wit.

cupidity \kyoo-PID-uh-tee\, noun:
Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

untitled 7 7/10/08

his face hid no contemn
his words no quarter
for her deeds were done
and with such systematic order
he felt no pain
no wince of dimples
for his mind was steel
and his thinking simple

he was tricked
duped you might say
but walking out the door
he will fight another day.

contemn \kuhn-TEM\, transitive verb:
To regard or treat with disdain or contempt; to scorn; to despise.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ludacris 7/6/2008

She always wanted,
or more importantly needed
precisly 2 hours of conversation per day
even if an hour and 48 minutes
was simple palaver
or just silence on the phone
either one was ok for her
for me....I could have been
vacuuming, or solving global warming.

palaver \puh-LAV-uhr; puh-LAH-vur\, noun:
1. Idle talk
2. Talk intended to beguile or deceive.
3. A parley usually between persons of different backgrounds or cultures or levels of sophistication; a talk; hence, a public conference and deliberation.

intransitive verb:
1. To talk idly.

transitive verb:
1. To flatter; to cajole.

unknown source of rambling. 7/7/2008

the sensation
anew, aknew
dr. gary gnu
was akin to something familiar
a gustatory tingle
upwards of his tonsils
but south of his eyes
which watering and red
realized that what they just saw
was a fist
a furious fist
with implications ripe with hospital bills and swelling
uncertainty of body image
and whether he would still be
"decent looking" or fall down to
"a nice guy"
over achieving currently
he knew his charm and wit
would only take him so far in this world
a world of large boats, white rimmed glasses
and other things he niether understood nor posessed
a grasp tight enough to embrace
he knew
in that one punch
his dreams were gone

gustatory \GUS-tuh-tor-ee\, adjective:
Of or pertaining to the sense of taste.