Wednesday, April 30, 2008

King of Prussia 4/30/2008

known for his lenity
the fearless leader
knew of wrath, or vengance, of mastery
but only when needed
his power was through his ability
to be common to the commoner
royalty to the royalty
and ruthless to the ruthless

lenity \LEN-uh-tee\, noun:
The state or quality of being lenient; mildness; gentleness of treatment; leniency.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

johnny cash 4/29/2008

Johnny Cash
when he spoke
every word had meaning
none of his actions or deeds were a gimcrack
he never used 7 words when he could use 2
never overstated or underhanded
level, straight, direct

he wore black for all the desperate souls
why be happy with so much dispair
why not.

gimcrack \JIM-krak\, noun:
1. A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw.

1. Tastelessly showy; cheap; gaudy.

Monday, April 28, 2008

James wilkes Booth V2 4/28/2008

pages in a maelstrom
flashing before your minds eye
faster than you can make out
but slow enough to understand the contents

fear is justified
but uncertain where to direct it
uncertainty mixed with fear is unpleasant

frozen from action
waiting for the impending doom

not sure what to fear
your mind will ensure you
put something in the box

but your mind also knows it is probably wrong
all assasins have 3 names
and are always caught

people like boogy men.
I prefer the box to be empty

maelstrom \MAYL-struhm\, noun:
1. A large, powerful, or destructive whirlpool.
2. Something resembling a maelstrom; a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

B-day confusion 4/27/2008

Continually I posit
my stance in life
even with the knowledge
I have and will change
with new readings or thoughts
old proverbs or quotes
my own postulations
which others have had before me
and others will have after me

I still think I am unique
at least I know I am 35

posit \POZ-it\, transitive verb:
1. To assume as real or conceded.
2. To propose as an explanation; to suggest.
3. To dispose or set firmly or fixedly.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ubiquitous \yoo-BIK-wih-tuhs\, adjective:
Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jason Allen Bauer 4/22/2008

an easy birth
an easy boy

that is what we hope, he is easy

his mom and dad and the rest of us
lionize him as we should

his brothers and sister want to talk to him on the phone
as they should

maybe the world will someday do the same,
lionize him.
for some great feat of humaitarianism
or winning the superbowl
or just being a great child,
a unique individual
and a stand up man

time will tell.

lionize \LY-uh-nyz\, transitive verb:
To treat or regard as an object of great interest or importance.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chimera in disguise 4/21/2008

The tail swafting behind the silk pants
should have been a dead give away
but I thought she would change
she hid it so well at times
others the scales and goat hair
were left on my couch,
my clothes and sometimes appeard
in my stool

I always thought that was wierd

I held on tight like they do in the dragon movies
but I was bucked from my preverbial steed

the burning blasts of verbal fire
the rear leg kicks to the melon
and the wip of the tail

I will not miss
but ironically

I miss her.

chimera \ky-MIR-uh\, noun:
1. (Capitalized) A fire-breathing she-monster represented as having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
2. Any imaginary monster made up of grotesquely incongruous parts.
3. An illusion or mental fabrication; a grotesque product of the imagination.
4. An individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lady of the lowlands 4/18/2008

She apologized for everything
for everyone
her inveigle attitude
wore me down
the condescending insult of my intelligence
was more offensive than the patranizing tone
or the illogical apology
I slammed your hip in the door
don't apologize to me
I know I did it.

inveigle \in-VAY-guhl; -VEE-\, transitive verb:
1. To persuade by ingenuity or flattery; to entice.
2. To obtain by ingenuity or flattery.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Declan of St. Cloud 4/17/2008

Illogical behavior is not limited to TSA employees
As I once thought it was

The guy next to me
The lady in front of me
In life or in line

Logic makes life difficult
Life follows not logic nor reason
Just an undefined path changing at will
Prediction is an ego myth we think we grasp
Understanding the future makes us feel secure
Understanding nothing feels empty
Although that is all that is real
We take data in,
And try our best
That is all we know.

The only prediction I can make
Is that my Irish friend Declan
Is honest when he says.
"I love to love"
some say it is roistering
I say it is love

roister \ROY-stur\, intransitive verb:
1. To engage in boisterous merrymaking; to revel; to carouse.
2. To bluster; to swagger.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

awareness 4/15/2008

Putting people on pedestals
or looking up at someone so hard your neck can tire
can breed a miarsma that some never realize they are in
you want to please you want to be loved
you want something from them
and in return you give away your abilities
to percieve yourself and your actions
in the framework of your life
you are blind because your will
can easily outbox your sense of self
your belief that you can become something through them
can easily outweigh your belief in yourself without outside afformation

it is not the act of putting someone on a pedestal that is misleading
it is forgetting that fact.


PS taxes suck.

miasma \my-AZ-muh; mee-\, noun:
1. A vaporous exhalation (as of marshes or putrid matter) formerly thought to cause disease; broadly, a thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation.
2. A harmful or corrupting atmosphere or influence; also, an atmosphere that obscures; a fog.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Peace in Beverly hills 4/14/2008

always adjusting the pin money
so she could never get more than she needed
never more than enough to calm her
create an environment of peace
not euphoria
never joy
but also never phsycotic axe wielding
or stab in the back with a fork-ing
or crash your new porsche-ing
type behavior
just peace
peace in the valley

I wish I knew what those little pills were
or who or where she got them

pin money \pin money\, noun:
1. An allowance of money given by a husband to his wife for private and personal expenditures.
2. Money for incidental expenses.
3. A trivial sum.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Edina 4/13/2008

always adjusting the pin money
so she could never get more than she needed
never more than enough to make a clean break
start over
feeding the monkey
might trap you in a prisin
with no walls
just an electric fence of the life you are afraid to leave
self reliance is worth more than anything

pin money \pin money\, noun:
1. An allowance of money given by a husband to his wife for private and personal expenditures.
2. Money for incidental expenses.
3. A trivial sum.

Friday, April 11, 2008

1/3rd self analysis 4/11/2008

it has been 5 months
my poems have sloughed into random thoughts
my vocabulary has been stunted
only remembering words I knew before this stunt
learning about pauses and verse
not expanding or challanging
not becoming a better writer
just a lazy man trying to complete a task
the fear of the consitency
originality, and insperation
become dull when forced
poems for the sake of poems
repetition for the sake of familiarity
our society is mirrrored by my mental hibernation
do what is easy and familiar
not what could get you fired, or chastized
to become something you must risk something
I speak of risk, and take liberties with so much
but where I draw the line is apparently what defines me
who I want to be is not who I am
who I work to be is not who I want to be

the first sentance is a good thing
the second not so much

I will write better poems.
look for the caesurae
as they will appear my friend
they will appear.

caesura \sih-ZHUR-uh; -ZUR-\, noun;
plural caesuras or caesurae \sih-ZHUR-ee; -ZUR-ee\:
1. A break or pause in a line of verse, usually occurring in the middle of a line, and indicated in scanning by a double vertical line; for example, "The proper study || of mankind is man" [Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man].
2. Any break, pause, or interruption.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

spring stress ball 4/10/2008

Spring has sprung....

my ass it has

I wake up mornings to pugnacious skies
glares from strangers that would be smiles on a sunny day
white blankness on pale skin
weekend worries about another day inside
don't fight me
snow is great
wind too
just not for 9 months
give me summer
give me peace
give me $289,000

I will take any of the three.

pugnacious \puhg-NAY-shuhs\, adjective:
Inclined to fight; combative; quarrelsome.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

plato 4/9/2008

Some believe you know everything when you are born
the minute the sperm busts through the egg
and recieves a high five and a welcome buddy
that it is all there
virgin divine afflatus
the rest of your life is just remembering it
so the next time you have an epiphiny
and figure something out,
you can either be proud of yourself
or wonder why it took so long

afflatus \uh-FLAY-tuhs\, noun:
A divine imparting of knowledge; inspiration.

Monday, April 7, 2008

illiterate ramblings 4/7/2008

Woe is me
woes me
woah is me

I wonder if which ever of those phrases is the one I know..

if it came from woebegone

can you just put three words together without spaces and make a new word?

because if you can


there that is my word.

woebegone \WOE-bee-gon\, adjective:
1. Beset or overwhelmed with woe; immersed in grief or sorrow; woeful.
2. Being in a sorry condition; dismal-looking; dilapidated; run-down.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

attention at all costs 4/5/2008

importunate for attention
bordering on childish
why some people don't grow out of it
use it as their barameter for their acceptance
repeated, hourly, reminded of acceptance
why look externally
why inconvienience the rest of us
just trying to make it through the day
it is tireing, and ugly
it is pride
which I have recently learned is the one sin man continues to not see
to compete with his fellow man, not to get what he needs
but to get more then the next guy
to show importance or value or finances
over what he has

Pride...thought to be positive
think about it

how many overly proud people are blind and shrewd
and unable to be wrong, or forgive?

importunate \im-POR-chuh-nit\, adjective:
Troublesomely urgent; overly persistent in request or demand; unreasonably solicitous.

Friday, April 4, 2008

frat etiquette 101 4/4/2008

California, the Loop
ostentation on display for all
insecurity hidden behind twill and BMW logos
business suits on a saturday night
come on now....

climbing the corporoate ladder
without the view of the top
climbing for the sake of climbing
impressing yourself as much as your friends
as much as the girl next to you

everyone wants to look good
so who am I to judge
breaking my 2008 resolution
one abstract thought at a time

looks like I am no better than
the tool bags I am attacking here
except for the fact that I don't
accidentally wear a suit out
on a saturday.
ostentation \os-ten-TAY-shuhn\, noun:
Excessive or pretentious display; boastful showiness.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

park stuff 4/3/2008

brown sage smelling
leaflets and leaves
blowing together swirling shape
remembered from OZ
spinning 30 feet away
fainting left and right
jab step, pivot
not knowing if my imaginary house is in danger
never a bellwether
I decide to change
sprinting left 12 feet
repositioning, corderouys brush paint chipped bench
sound and vibration soothing
forgetting my purpose
windy, dusty.

bellwether \BEL-weth-uhr\, noun:
A leader of a movement or activity; also, a leading indicator of future trends.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

uncle frankie 4/02/2008

always around the corner
just when you think it is safe to be the smart guy
that deus ex machina (can't believe I am using this in a sentance)
pokes his head around the bend
puts out my fire with his machina
and steals the girl

damn him
why won't uncle frankie let me impress them
once in a great while

hell if I were 28 with a camaro girls woudl like me too.

deus ex machina \DAY-uhs-eks-MAH-kuh-nuh; -nah; -MAK-uh-nuh\, noun:
1. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, a god introduced by means of a crane to unravel and resolve the plot.
2. Any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble difficulty.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

one way street 4/1/2008

she saw her duty to him
no response in kind

jollification \jol-ih-fuh-KAY-shuhn\, noun:
Merrymaking; festivity; revelry.