Friday, May 30, 2008

dandee grandee 5/30/2009

some posess it
some are born into it
some fake it
some want it so badly
not all can achieve it
but the few that do
with composure
and humility

are the only
that are truly

grandee \gran-DEE\, noun:
1. A man of elevated rank or station.
2. In Spain or Portugal, a nobleman of the first rank.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

german hiaku 5/29/2008

a schadenfreude
never have I been nor will
from roots I sprout up

schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

all forms 5/28/2008

I forgo most of my vices
but it is not a forgone conclusion
that I will always do so
for indulgance is the point
of forgoing
and he who forgoes
when he goes
goes well.

forgo \for-GO\, transitive verb;
Inflected forms: forwent, forgone, forgoing, forgoes:
To abstain from; to do without.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

uncle steve 5/27/2008

Uncle steve one ribald mo fo
silver hair,
a laugh that makes you laugh
and a wry sense of what is tasteful
tasteless, and comedic timing
that bordered on just being uncooth
the christmas dinners were always a joy
to see what was going to to wrong.
never an if, always a what.

ribald \RIB-uhld; RY-bawld\, adjective:
1. Characterized by or given to vulgar humor; coarse.

1. A ribald person; a lewd fellow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

progression of thought words 5/26/2008

hearing the word for the first time
not directly in front of "denied"
is like getting punched in the nose
without that smell
the smell that you are not sure if it is a smell
or just a reaction of your senses that produces
the sensation of a smell
either way, it is so reckognizable
and tough to explain.
I wish I could give you the experience
without having to punch you
for if I did punch you
I would vehemently deny it.

vehement \VEE-uh-muhnt\, adjective:
1. Characterized by intensity of emotions or convictions, or forcefulness of expression.
2. Characterized by or acting with great force or energy; strong.

Friday, May 23, 2008


contact aright
flight bending around closed eyes
and covered jewels
movement isolated to the ball
and the back netting.

aright \uh-RYT\, adverb:
Rightly; correctly; properly; in a right way or manner.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

beggers on dowling 5/22/2008

The offramp on dowling and 94
seemingly sparse of currency
eyes programmed to sad
body slumping
cardboard sign
created to look tattered
made with newly purchased markers
37 cents from 100 people to get home
cadgey and cagey
they get nothing from me.
one of us is going to hell.

cadge \KAJ\, transitive verb:
1. To beg or obtain by begging; to sponge.

intransitive verb:
1. To beg; to sponge.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

life on the downslope 5/21/2008

Once an avid Boulevardier
I am nothing more than
an alley cat
drained from my sweet sweet strolls
down a boulevard, of both the city
and the cities women
I now sleep on cardboard
and use playboy magazines for pillows
my only contact with females
crinkles in my ear.

boulevardier \boo-luh-var-DYAY; bul-uh-\, noun:
1. A frequenter of city boulevards, especially in Paris.
2. A sophisticated, worldly, and socially active man; a man who frequents fashionable places; a man-about-town.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kevin Spacey 5/20/2008

American Beauty
so often a Potemkin village
but seen by many as the panacea
living there will change your mind
and your attitude about symetry
aesthetics and harmony

for all it is the final destination
until they arrive early enough in life
to have life left to savor
but late enough to realize
that leaving might be the best thing they do

Potemkin village \puh-TEM(P)-kin\, noun:
An impressive facade or display that hides an undesirable fact or state; a false front.

Monday, May 19, 2008

highschool bravada on eggos 5/19/2008

His insecure verbal snaps
obtruded into conversation
brown maple syrup
or leaves of green stapled to brown cardboard
all things uneasy to take in
he thought himself tough
stoic and strong

his brashness hid nothing
from us
but his fear of being silent
or found out as not omnipotent

obtrude \uhb-TROOD; ob-\, transitive verb:
1. To thrust out; to push out.
2. To force or impose (one's self, remarks, opinions, etc.) on others with undue insistence or without solicitation.

intransitive verb:
1. To thrust upon a group or upon attention; to intrude.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

tirade \TY-raid; tih-RAID\, noun:
A long angry speech; a violent denunciation; a prolonged outburst full of censure or abuse.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

latitudinarian \lat-uh-too-din-AIR-ee-un; -tyoo-\, adjective:
1. Having or expressing broad and tolerant views, especially in religious matters.

Friday, May 16, 2008

foot models and lake homes 5/16/2008

The lake, subfusc and still
draining the earth and sky
hording light rays wishing to find pigment
PJ bottoms and off the shoulder wares
with color and fabric smooth upon smooth skin
overlooking the scene
she sits back
tea steeping under cedar shakes
feet elevated, rested heel on kicked off slippers

color seeping out from skin tone on well shaped feet
injected into the cool still lake
the scene remains the same
but her presence converts the ora
from sadness to stillness
from impatience to calm
from anticipation
to arrival.

warm steam comforts her face
as she ponders the day to come
and the life ahead

tea steeped to perfection
one ripple then two
the wind, the day
starting as one.

subfusc \sub-FUHSK\, adjective:
Dark or dull in color; drab, dusky.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

misread 5/15/2008

wanna be paean
facial tension prevents it
inner emotion

paean \PEE-uhn\, noun:
1. A joyous song of praise, triumph, or thanksgiving.
2. An expression of praise or joy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

LK MTKA 5/14/2008

An emu bound by fetter
to the lower extremity
of the groom to be
Lord Fletchers
looked smilingly upon us
maybe due to my mauve polo shirt
and apperance of money

fetter \FET-uhr\, noun:
1. A chain or shackle for the feet; a bond; a shackle.
2. Anything that confines or restrains; a restraint.

transitive verb:
1. To put fetters upon; to shackle or confine.
2. To restrain from progress or action; to impose restraints on; to confine.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

wavy mirror 5/13/2008

the umbrage of an insecure soul
is typically nothing more than a mirror
reflecting what is wrong within
projection of vital imagery
lost on another soul
energy misplaced without
where within starves
for the light clarity of presence
and solvation of salvation

umbrage \UHM-brij\, noun:
1. Shade; shadow; hence, something that affords a shade, as a screen of trees or foliage.
2. a. A vague or indistinct indication or suggestion; a hint.
3. b. Reason for doubt; suspicion.
4. Suspicion of injury or wrong; offense; resentment.

Monday, May 12, 2008

round about 5/12/2008

everyone could see thru her stalling methods
her frivolous cavils based shouting distance
away from any grip on reality
amused us all
even though we knew them to be obtuse
even questionable ethically
we internally smiled
for we did not want to go
to epcot center either

cavil \KAV-uhl\, intransitive verb:
1. To raise trivial or frivolous objections; to find fault without good reason.

transitive verb:
1. To raise trivial objections to.

1. A trivial or frivolous objection.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Annie K 5/11/2008

Leaves rocking to earth
whisping edges curl winds brow
rocking on the porch
her acumen apparent to all
heart beats for all who breathe
goodness and just
her smile of approval
all a son could ever hope for
her faith in her men on this earth
the only gift we could ever seek
she is a rock and a pillow
she is my mother.

acumen \uh-KYOO-muhn; AK-yuh-muhn\, noun:
Quickness of perception or discernment; shrewdness shown by keen insight.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

plagerism of soul 5/7/2008

seeing the blatent plagerism
of his song and inner pain
he wonders
is the bandit contrite
would he be if he knew
for one minute the muse of the song

for stealing that which describes
something he will never know
the pain of his song will never
fill the void in his songbook
the hole in his ability
nor the vacancy of his soul

words do not invoke emotion
preciesly the opposite

contrite \KON-tryt; kuhn-TRYT\, adjective:
1. Deeply affected with grief and regret for having done wrong; penitent; as, "a contrite sinner."
2. Expressing or arising from contrition; as, "contrite words."

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Birthday MZ 5/6/2008

She is an amalgam
of substances foreign to me
of kindness and tempered steel
a sharp edge on a surgeons knife
a finely ground optic on an astronomers lens
insight without condescension
freedom within a cage
existence without a source
she flows like a river from snow flakes
to the point of least resistance
subtle beauty and gentleness only limited
by the amount of personal contact she can have

of men, women, children she knows of love
giving to a point difficult to match
wanting to be fulfilled
mixing of substances foreign to me
but I am no alchemist

amalgam \uh-MAL-guhm\, noun:
1. An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals; used especially (with silver) as a dental filling.
2. A mixture or compound of different things.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

left of guthrie 5/1/2008

his cloy existance
to outsiders
a thing of jealousy
only led to emptiness
and a void
of meaning
and worth

cloy \KLOY\, transitive verb:
1. To weary by excess, especially of sweetness, richness, pleasure, etc.

intransitive verb:
1. To become distasteful through an excess usually of something originally pleasing.