Monday, March 31, 2008

George Bush 3/31/2008

qualities not ideal for a president

fear of admiting mistakes
large investments in oil

but being elected by the entire country or at least half
says something
about us
and about him

smarter man than I.

xenophobia \ZEN-uh-FOE-bee-uh\, noun:
Fear or hatred of strangers, people from other countries, or of anything that is strange or foreign.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

12 year olds dude 3/30/2008

everyone wants to be right
feel smart,
feel validated
but the ass kissers of the world
obsequious without sincerity
are shallow like a puddle
annoying like a condecending adult
especially one you are smarter than
even at age 12
and not smarter like most 12 year olds think they are
but smarter as in average for a 12 year old
just dealing with a moron who has aged 23 years past being 12
without picking much else up

you are never sure if they listen
or even care enough to listen
you just know it is a blank smile
a false nod
and an insecure agreement

usually I would test this by saying something like
"gas is made from corn stalks and used diapers"
and see if they still agree
then I would progress to stuff like
"you are a moron, I hate your guts and you should smile and nod if you agree with my assesment"

typically then I get punished

obsequious \ob-SEE-kwee-us\, adjective:
Servilely attentive; compliant to excess; fawning.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

momentum 3/29/2008

looking down day after day
the excrescence used to be something I hid
now I see it as a sign
that I am me
and it is the only way it could have happened
as it is the way it did happen
and life, gives you nothing
that you don't take
and takes nothing
you don't give.

only I can stop me
you can only stop my mind
and only if I let you

excrescence \ik-SKRESS-uhn(t)s\, noun:
1. Something (especially something abnormal) growing out from something else.
2. A disfiguring or unwanted mark, part, or addition.

Friday, March 28, 2008

not a real word 3/28/2008

hullabaloo or rucaus
not sure which word I like better
guess I will use them both

I wish I had kids now
that would be a perfect one to yell
from the garage or bathroom

"what the hell is that hallabaloo"

hullabaloo \HUL-uh-buh-loo\, noun:
A confused noise; uproar; tumult.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

halitosis 3/27/2008

as he spoke to me
about the type of metal
or the screws
or something to do with the design
I could not listen
nor concentrate
there was something acrid about the scene
and I could not place it
other than that it was halting my brain
and that was that

acrid \AK-rid\, adjective:
1. Sharp and harsh, or bitter to the taste or smell; pungent.
2. Caustic in language or tone; bitter.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

gavel mc gavelson 3/26/2008

the truth will set you free
what a serious misnomer
in the world we live in
this is a lie,
the truth will get you in a lot of trouble
that is why white lies were invented
the truth will set you free,
from your inner demons
externally, it may make your life hell
depending on your audience

the truth is a great thing in a society that does not judge
judgement creates lies.
if you do not judge....

no one will lie to you.
why would they.

misnomer \mis-NO-muhr\, noun:
1. The misnaming of a person in a legal instrument, as in a complaint or indictment.
2. Any misnaming of a person or thing; also, a wrong or inapplicable name or designation.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bill Clinton Wants what he doesn't have 2/25/2008

to repine is human

I repine for love
I repine while in love
I repine for the lone trail of solitude
I repine while on the trail

the grass is always greener,
Clinton must have said that
cause it is right on
and all presidents are infallible
and smart

repine \rih-PINE\, intransitive verb:
1. To feel or express discontent.
2. To long for something.

Monday, March 24, 2008

bloatation 2/24/2008

swollen and red
we weren't sure if it was the plethora
or the fact that he was called out
in front of his new girlfriend

either way, not ideal

plethora \PLETH-uh-ruh\, noun:
1. An abnormal bodily condition characterized by an excessive amount of blood in the system.
2. Excess; superabundance.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Trouper 2/23/2008

I anathematized his tumor
although I am not an ecclesiastical authority
in this capacity I have been ordained
by all that is good
all that is evil
and all that I have
in order to help my friend
walk through this tunnel
an emerge on the other side
to continue on his path
with no hinderince
no hitch in his collective giddy up
no wabble in his swagger
and no pause in his calm

he is my best friend
and he will get through this
both for him
and for me
and for all who care about him
and selfishly care about themselves
and how their lives will be better with him by their sides

God Speed my man,
God Speed.

anathema \uh-NATH-uh-muh\, noun:
1. A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed.
2. An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
3. Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority.
4. Any person or thing that is intensely disliked.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

telemarketer 2/22/2008

During the conversation
I spoke to myself in toungue
spoke words like
"you are wasting time you can never get back"
she will never remunerate me for this
the fact that I became 20 minutes older
and possibly dumber from our interaction
I was too polite to remove myself from the conversation
too polite to value my time
too polite to take what is mine
and make it mine
my time
my mind
my thoughts

remunerate \rih-MYOO-nuh-rate\, transitive verb:
1. To pay an equivalent to for any service, loss, or expense; to recompense.
2. To compensate for; to make payment for.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

the wheel re-invented 3/20/2008

every 500 days
repeat as necessary

transmute \trans-MYOOT; tranz-\, transitive verb:
1. To change from one nature, form, substance, or state into another; to transform.

intransitive verb:
1. To undergo transmutation.

DD 3/20/2008

Her acerbic tongue
stings her fellow man
transpontine with no means to cross
but like a flying stingrays reach
knows no bounds
niether does her cutting wizardry

acerbic \uh-SUR-bik\, adjective:
Sharp, biting, or acid in temper, expression, or tone.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

napoleon 3/18/2008

be nefarious
to whomever you command
no apologies

nefarious \nuh-FAIR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Wicked in the extreme; iniquitous.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Green Bear 3/17/2008

The encounter
indolent on the surface
but swirling like
the bane of the south
encompassing all in its path
and removing any shelter
to expose the naked being
that is ones pride
ones hidden fears
ones regrets

indolent \IN-duh-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Avoiding labor and exertion; habitually idle; lazy; inactive.
2. Conducive to or encouraging laziness or inactivity.
3. Causing little or no pain.
4. Slow to heal, develop, or grow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

mission critical 3/14/2008

The thoughts sojourned in my mind
with varied length and frequency
always changing when you thought
you could predict them

no pattern, no logic,
emotions play such a role
in our lives, our decisions

do we control them?
we should be able to
why do they control us
why do they affect us
why do we let them in
to rummage around,
make rude comments about our curtain selection
or the mess on the stair railing
overstay their welcome
and leave without making the bed
or maybe not leaving at all

or do they control us?


life is about control.

life is about not wanting to control
what we think we can

sojourn \SOH-juhrn; so-JURN\, intransitive verb:
1. To stay as a temporary resident; to dwell for a time.

1. A temporary stay.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Jimbo 3/114/2008

he always showed up
either bedizened with velvet
or buck naked
those were the two options
both sort of "off"

but so on.

bedizen \bih-DY-zuhn\, transitive verb:
To dress or adorn in gaudy manner.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Randomness of thought on Thursday 3/13/2008

putting up with me
putting up with my rodomontade
calling me on my bluffs
calling me from hotel rooms in Faith

raspy voice calms my nerves
and rustles my endorphins
requireing less translation than most
and seems to be solely operating the machinery

running the bases
or straight into the wind
both journeys that end up
where they started

fatigued from lack of sleep
and subterranian dances of passage
walking through the days dream scape
without the comprehension anymore of purpose

dryness of skin warps fingers
down towards this keyboard
they punch out the words
while I disagree with the order
and lack of originality

operating without commands
words try to create meaning
from lives gone past
experiences had or dreamt
and wishes for the future

rodomontade \rod-uh-muhn-TADE; roh-duh-; -TAHD\, noun:
Vain boasting; empty bluster; pretentious, bragging speech; rant.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Path of the Cobra 3/12/2008

I was born to be afraid
afraid of what I might become
cloak of entitlement shrowds
my diffident psyche
A mirror cracked in line
with a nose and a left eye
symbolism not lost on this
defining moment becoming present
glancing back to see a fractured figure
of what I may already be, or was
I am hoping for the latter
But realize my destiny is paved before me
Like a snow flakes enevitable journey to the sea
or a living bodies constant decay to nothingness
I unconsciously perform my duty
and as the world slows back down
I see my work before me
I am niether proud nor ashamed
I feel no guilt or remorse,
no elation or joy
I don't think I feel at all
I walk like an invinceble god
through the carnage to a place that looks calm
I sit cross legged
heartbeat steady

And wait for my savior

Thumping blood in my neck
the only sound I hear...or maybe just feel
No I don't feel
I hear the blood thump, that is all
The thumping slows in pace and depth
My savior arrives just in time
I still feel nothing as he asks for my hand
I will go with him,
destination unknown
to me.

I feel nothing,
I want to feel something
on this earth
all dreams don't come true.

diffident \DIF-uh-dunt; -dent\, adjective:
1. Lacking self-confidence; distrustful of one's own powers; timid; bashful.
2. Characterized by modest reserve; unassertive.

*Written on a plane after reading about the college shooting and suicide. Remember people, these are just stories. Life is not all poems about rose pedals and smiling donkeys.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Smell the Roses 3/11/2008

recieving the message via a text
although probably meant to assuage the news
seemed more distant and impersonal
not being able to say much or
show a reaction made it difficult
but being selfish at this point
is not the point
the point is to hope for the best
and send energy to the right place

assuage \uh-SWAYJ\, verb:
1. To make milder or less severe; to reduce the intensity of; to ease; to relieve.
2. To appease; to satisfy.
3. To soothe or calm; to pacify.

Monday, March 10, 2008

one way alley 3/10/2008

Starting a sentance
inchoate thoughts preceeding
what should be a hesitant mouth
words walking down the alley
minds eye looking for the exit
most times I find it
many I don't

ending up mid sentance with no exit
is an embarassing thing for most
for me
a friendly challange of vocabulary
and witt.

admiting failure can be sexy.

inchoate \in-KOH-it\, adjective:
1. In an initial or early stage; just begun.
2. Imperfectly formed or formulated.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rubber Band Horsey 3/9/2008


the rubber band horse hung low
reflection warped from tire treads
and obscure sitting lady shape

bounding down the road
in sink with the potholes
and country music

artwork of the rodeo green room
hours waiting for possible death
or paralyzation.

no woman, no home, no worries
the rubber band horse
will protect you
and keep you
from this town
to the next.

gewgaw \G(Y)OO-gaw\, noun:
A showy trifle; a trinket; a bauble.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

2012 3/8/2008

My Lord
My God
My Kismet
My Comprehension
They are all connected

kismet \KIZ-met; -mit\, noun:
Destiny; fate.

Friday, March 7, 2008

RATM 3/7/2008

Rage Against the Machine



aiming at the cause of our problems
our inability to sacrafice for anything outside of our wingspan
our inability to inconvienience ourselves for our fellow and future man
our desire to be valued for something we would never want to be labeled as

A Hummer should not exist
Genocide should not be a word
We should be in the streets
not behind the TV

I am no better than you or the next
I listen to their music
get amped up
and then go to work
and buy things online

I drive places I could walk
and am afraid to take a city bus
I buy things I don't need
and am wasteful

My house is bigger than I need

but when I listen to Rage, I think about changing
maybe I need to listen to more.

cabal \kuh-BAHL; kuh-BAL\, noun:
1. A secret, conspiratorial association of plotters or intriguers whose purpose is usually to bring about an overturn especially in public affairs.
2. The schemes or plots of such an association.

intransitive verb:
1. To form a cabal; to conspire; to intrigue; to plot.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

dying wishes 3/6/2008

I hope two things for my gravestone

the second number is greater than 2020
and that whomever writes my obituary
knows of the word rara avis
does not confuse it with a car rental company
and uses it to describe me.

and more importantly- as I rethink this request,
it is a good word to describe me
and not just a way to fufill my wishes
for the use of that word
to describe me

rara avis \RAIR-uh-AY-vis\, noun;
plural rara avises \RAIR-uh-AY-vuh-suhz\ or rarae aves \RAIR-ee-AY-veez\:
A rare or unique person or thing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

B & C's 3/6/2008

books and covers

the town busker
scraggly almost malnourished
appearance of a bum
with a voice like
warm silk on a womans bottom
he made you re-evaluate
your sense of judgment
your condescending ways of viewing
both the world and its surrounding pawns
for you now want to know this man
learn this man
your compassion for him
and your enjoyment of the moment
grow with each note

books and covers

busker \BUS-kur\, noun:
A person who entertains (as by playing music) in public places.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Proby 3/5/2008

defines me
or who I long to be

some days
is not for me
does not describe who I be

other days
is found within me
or ideally without me

will describe we
the way we all strive to be

probity \PRO-buh-tee\, noun:
Complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Circus Circus 3/1/2008

the garrulous mid twenties lad from kentucky
sits down at the black jack table
low on both social and regular intelligence
he continues to blather on

short on patience,
the neighbor asks him
to keep to himself

losing a hand
the stranger stands up
slaps the little bastard about the face
calls him sally
and walks away.

garrulous \GAIR-uh-lus; GAIR-yuh-\, adjective:
1. Talking much, especially about commonplace or trivial things; talkative.
2. Wordy.

F to the U from me and Bobby D 3/3/2008

I want to be Bob Dylan
I am not sure if it is his personality
both recherche and undefined,
his stance on anything solid
his way with words and music
or just his ability to say "fuck you"
to anyone without saying it or even implying it

Maybe it is just the way he can say it without saying it
with everything.

you walk into the room like a camel then you frown
put your eyes in your pocket your nose in the ground
there aut to be a law against you coming around
you should be made to wear earphones

need I say more.

recherche \ruh-sher-SHAY\, adjective:
1. Uncommon; exotic; rare.
2. Exquisite; choice.
3. Excessively refined; affected.
4. Pretentious; overblown.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Legalease 3/1/2008

I am but a mere amanuensis
I work all day with few influences
I tire before the keyboards in prayer
In hopes that some day I’ll change my life if I dare
But until the time I am inspired to cross those fences
I’ll continue to tire as an amanuensis

amanuensis \uh-man-yoo-EN-sis\, noun:
A person employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts.

Ghost written by Lizzy Schulte