Friday, February 29, 2008

Scott Holloway 2/29/2008

His actions were always supererogatory
chasing a fast break when there was no way to catch
opening the door for a stranger
I never thought it made sense

but it made him a better player
and a better person

and every once in a while,
they missed the layup

and it was no longer a supererogatory
it was genius

supererogatory \soo-puhr-ih-ROG-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Going beyond what is required or expected.
2. Superfluous; unnecessary.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jack 2/28/2008

When there is choice
there is fallibility
where there is no choice
there is clarity

fallible \FAL-uh-bul\, adjective:
1. Liable to make a mistake.
2. Liable to be inaccurate or erroneous.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Family Jewels 2/27/2008

a descriptor for all youth
well most anyway
why do those folks become conservatives
yelling at the burger king teller for forgetting the fries
why are so few jumping from airplanes
or wrestleing anacondas

we all started as curious risk takers
eating dirt
licking stream carp
kicking people in the jewels
tackleing someone for no reason

how and when does that transformation happen?

do we live longer or shorter because of those decisions
I think we live shorter and live less

I am going to kick someone in the jewels
just to show the world I am still a kid

I might go to jail or need a lawyer
but when I Iook at that lawyer
I will think about how sucky his life must be

and I will tackle him.

temerarious \tem-uh-RAIR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Recklessly or presumptuously daring; ras

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Shawshank Redonkshon 2/26/2008

I talked and I talked and I talked
I was sick of myself talking
But she seemed interested
Or at least baffled
Her smile made it easy to share
And her laugh softened any rough edges
aplomb yet unassuming
sharp yet smooth

I felt loquacious
She was lubricious
I felt like a squeaky sophomore
She was the prom queen
I felt like the class clown
She was the class president

Extension to Thailand
Where the language was learned easy
A drink in Italy
Rome I believe it was,
Bumping shoulders down the street
Equal pressure from both sides
Eased the tension
Outside of the blades
Kept the trajectory straight
And the friction only on the soles
Freedom of the mind
And of the path

aplomb \uh-PLOM\, noun:
Assurance of manner or of action; self-possession; confidence; coolness.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Larry on the Bus 2/25/2008

her mind lissom
her body the same
her memory not so hot
as she always forgot my name

I courted her
both day and night
she was uncertain
but I knew I was right

she floated about
both in and then out
from lily pad to lily pad
spinning and turning about

from being shot down
I was always warry
but one glorious day
she said, is your name larry?

it was like the sun
rose and set for her and I
for from that day on
life would not pass me by

I failed to see her
on the bus or the train
but I bump into her daily
even if just in my brain

lissom \LISS-uhm\, adjective;
also lissome:
1. Limber; supple; flexible.
2. Light and quick in action; nimble; agile; active.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

night sweats 2/24/2008

not so fast
its not going to happen
as fast as the thought irrupts
its antithesis rolls over
and stays the night

breakfast with your stress
your demons
or an awkward excuse
about a sunday work meeting
that you need to attend
yes, I am aware it is sunday

multiple personalities
great when one is narcoleptic
and you are tired
not so great when one is
obsessive, and you are in debt

everyone is Schizophrenic
most of us don't know how to spell it
or realize that when we choose our mood
how we are going to interact with others
that we are becoming who we decide to become

realizing that,
I fell asleep last night.

irrupt \ih-RUHPT\, intransitive verb:
1. To burst in forcibly or suddenly; to intrude.
2. (Ecology) To increase rapidly in number.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Oral Hygene 2/23/2008

Her apperance changed with the light
different from day to night,
street corner, to mid sidwalk
the strain of the difference
was to much for the mind to convert
the pixels didn't line up
it became nettlesome
like something between your teeth
not the front ones,
the molars
where you can't see
but only feel

steak from yesterday
or part of that candy bar with coconut
who the hell knows


nettlesome \NET-l-suhm\, adjective:
Causing irritation, vexation, or distress.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Judgement 2/22/2008

Judgment of a mate:

depending on the time of the day
the amount of alcohol consumption
or the distance you are away from home

what some value in a mate can vary greatly:

dissolute or morally just
love or lust
free spirit or guarded
stable or erratic

there is no trait that you could say is "better"

think about that with every judgment you make.

it is wrong depending on time, space and surrounding events.

dissolute \DIS-uh-loot\, adjective:
Loose in morals and conduct; marked by indulgence in sensual pleasures or vices.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Proud to be an american 2/21/2008

I have to close my eyes
to keep from seeing you take
all the things I have given
to you that you now forsake

I have to find red haired women
to keep from getting blue
even though I know they go
100 miles an hour right through you

I have to go backwards
to keep in front of you
always relegated
never gaining or starting new

I want to just be
and need not rhyme anymore
for this strain is not worth it
and I am walking out your door.

relegate \REL-uh-gayt\, transitive verb:
1. To assign to an inferior position, place, or condition.
2. To assign to an appropriate category or class.
3. To assign or refer (a matter or task, for example) to another for appropriate action.
4. To send into exile; to banish.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

study of emotion 2/20/2008

can there be a factitious emotion
can a feeling be faked?
a reaction or physical act
but a true emotion can not.
if you feel something it is real
the only thing you can ever count on
ever be sure of
is that if you feel something
it is real

it can be confusing, or disorienting
it can go against what you believe
or think
but it is born with no schedule
or bent
or preconcieved notions
it exists only to be born
and to die
and in between
achieve nothing
serve no one

factitious \fak-TISH-uhs\, adjective:
1. Produced artificially, in distinction from what is produced by nature.
2. Artificial; not authentic or genuine; sham.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spin Class by Dave

No hiding at spin class!

Run Cheetah Run!

The sound of the whoosh as it speeds

Going going going

Make the move make it happen

Effort effort effortlessly as you effort

Finding the feel finding the vibe

Oops what are all the red lights???

Why the siren???

Why the hassle from the man???

Johnny J. the man!

Warden Blues 2/19/2008

Shoved in front of the warden
Feet and hands bound in twine
he laid his ultimatum on me
laid it on the line

I won't do wrong by my god
nor my woman nor steed
your actions are drivin by death
by human want and selfish greed

I abominate you,
your institution and command
for I did nothing improper
to deserve this reprimand

I feel my shackles removed
but no freedom is gained
my body wants to breathe
of this life its been drained

never done wrong
falsly accused
to aid and abed
power misused

I have a decision to make
a crime I will have to commit
and my false imprisonment
will ironically become ligit

I either lose my love
my laughter, my wife
or I take from someone
their future, their life

I can not decide
between two so wrong
my way has been lost
and so I wrote this song.

abominate \uh-BOM-uh-nayt\, transitive verb:
To hate in the highest degree; to detest intensely; to loathe; to abhor.

Monday, February 18, 2008

outrun the cheetah 2/18/2008

a sine qua non for all things
all things worth while
worth working for
worth achieving
to outrun the cheetah
outlast the donkey
outsmart the owl

what drives the muscles
and commands the brain

is what creates the man

this is measured not in the results
although sometimes evident there.
it can be seen in the eyes
which give a glimpse of the heart
in all of us.

sine qua non \sin-ih-kwah-NON; -NOHN; sy-nih-kway-\, noun:
An essential condition or element; an indispensable thing.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

UNI 2/17/2008

Sizing him up,
I sense fear,
not the afraid kind,
but the kind that shows up to 7th grade gym class with an oozie
a cornered animal
about to show the world
how pestiferous and manly he is
to show the women they made a mistake
show his parents they should have loved him more
show his friends that he was not joking around

unfortunatly all that is done
is a reafffirmation of his weakness
in an ugly display of selfishness and narcasism

what ever he believes in
will not accept him as he suspects

pestiferous \pes-TIF-uh-ruhs\, adjective:
1. Bearing or bringing disease.
2. Infected with or contaminated by a pestilential disease.
3. Morally evil or dangerous to society; pernicious.
4. Bothersome; troublesome; annoying.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

confused 2/16/2008

A strong woman
we all talk about finding one
not in the virago sense
nor in the clean and jerk sense
more in the emotionaly stable sense
that security in her opinions and beliefs
that belief in her opinions and security
and her opinions on security and beliefs

sometimes a horse can just be beautiful to look at
not the utility it provides
getting you from point A to point B

sometimes a wink can make your day

or a smile your week.

all depends

on everything.

virago \vuh-RAH-go; vuh-RAY-go\, noun:
1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage.
2. A woman regarded as loud, scolding, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, or overbearing.

Friday, February 15, 2008

V-day continued 2/15/2008

February 15th
the rose pedals, poems, and chocolate
fade into yesterday
the ominous cloud floats over your head
the eenui creeps back in
your hope was that the 14th
was going to be a day
like the 5th of November
when everything changes for you
but instead
you feel lost,
you re-visit the words that left your mouth
almost like Mr. Hallmark wrote them himself
and you wonder which person is you
the one yesterday
or the one today
what person will you be tomorrow
or in 2012
when st. cloud is home
and retreat becomes more costly

ennui \on-WEE\, noun:
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction arising from lack of interest; boredom.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-day 2/14/2008

amative by nature
the holy grail may not be
the greatest lost treasure....

we all seek
we define our hypothesis
and then start our search
the one flaw in science
goes unchallanged unscrutinized in love.
the experiment doesn't stop until
the desired result is found

we all know the feeling
of falling for someone who
does not fit our hypothesis
does not meet our list we made
mentally or even on paper with our girlfriends
the battle begins between our plans
and the space between our mind and our plans

in a society of the mind,
plans usually win out

for those who love the wrong person
for the right reasons,
i solute you
we all salute you.

my great uncle discovered penicillin
in his bathtub upon return from a vacation

today, the 14th of February, a day measured by
dollars spent, and gestures taken from magazines
graded, judged and evaluated
against the norm
and the neighbors

today, the 14th of February,
a true sign that love exists
just not sure if it is used
for good or evil

single or in love
I don't like to be told what to do
nor when to do it

tell me you love me on wednesday
the third one
in july

that is my valentines day

come get me out of a ditch
at 3AM next Friday morning
in nothing but a trench coat
and some lingerie

that is my valentines day.

tell me the hard truths
that people who just want to please me
don't have the balls to tell me

that is my valentines day

push me to be my best
challenge me
don't let me settle for OK

that is my valentines day

Tell me you forgive me
you trust me
and you believe in me

That is my valentines day

Make me apple pie
apple crisp
chocolate chip cookies

that is my valentines day

be yourself

that is my valentines day

Happy Valentines day World
see you tomorrow.

amative \AM-uh-tiv\, adjective:
Pertaining to or disposed to love, especially sexual love; full of love; amorous.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Merit 2/13/2008

perdurable truths
of the human condition
tested for us all

perdurable \pur-DUR-uh-bul; pur-DYUR-\, adjective:
Very durable; lasting; continuing long.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thump 2/12/2008

The garage door
opens the world
cracks like the tension in a soda lid
slime green, algae frozen
on frogs tongue
his view different
breaching barriers
of temperature and position
I walk out backwards
since I am used to that view
the world, dry, brown
exhaust and wonderment
breath of horses wild through the nose
leaping through one dimension
then the next
sneaking around the back
peering through windows
to see if things are copacetic
without audio it is tough to tell
kicking to verify merit
double check on this reality
the gift I intend to give
long, stringy, and cracked
has no value to me
it is no gift

copacetic \koh-puh-SET-ik\, adjective:
Very satisfactory; fine.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Stand in 101 2/11/2008

Anything to fill the void
the pain of lonliness
so often fixed by just a someone
an anyone
two legs, affection, and a weak spine
an ersatz partner
a bandaid thinking its a cure
soon you will want to go swimmming
and their fate will be the same as all bandaids
grossly floating around the bottom of the pool
white and bleached from chemicals and sun

some marry that bandaid
and accept that fate
in exchange for security
because that is a positive thing

some sit on the sidelines for ever
fearful of being covered
by a chlorinated white plastic
because that is a negative thing

they are both probably wrong

ersatz \AIR-sahts; UR-sats\, adjective:
Being a substitute or imitation, usually an inferior one.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

swimming struggles at 6 AM 2/10/2008

opening the closet,
i lament
what colors, how many layers
my raiment

backing up, two steps
green or baby blue birdy
backing up one more
clean or dirty

choices to be made
so difficult at this hour
the floor my hanger
blossoms like a fabric flower

I pick something
trampled under foot
a few stains come along
and a small smudge of soot

judged outwardly
but focused inside
building not a wardrobe
but what its designed to hide

raiment \RAY-ment\, noun:
Clothing in general; garments; -- usually singular in form, with a collective sense.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Montage e Twa 2/09/2008

getting his nerves up
wondering if they are thinking the same thing
finishing his beer
slowly, smoothly
strolling across the room
he knows they will be receptive
or is telling himself that.

Hi girls, I am looking for a menagerie....interested?

without skipping a beat they nod and smile and say
"we can help"

he can't believe it, it is actually going to happen.

His mind races with the possibilities, the logistics, the safety issues
his mind is racing so fast he can barely make out what they are saying.
he tunes back in to hear directions to a petting zoo
"kinky" he thinks.
but as they finish the directions and walk the other way
he realizes something is amiss.

he rechecks his vocabulary when he gets home,
chuckles under his breath
"petting zoo.....ha, I totally get it now..."

armed with the right phrase,
he will do better next time,

actually probably worse.

menagerie \muh-NAJ-uh-ree; -NAZH-\, noun:
1. A collection of wild or unusual animals, especially for exhibition.
2. An enclosure where wild or unusual animals are kept or exhibited.
3. A diverse or varied group.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A words about me 2/8/2008

About me:


self assesment, the easiest of onesided tasks

aberrant \a-BERR-unt; AB-ur-unt\, adjective:
Markedly different from an accepted norm; Deviating from the ordinary or natural type; abnormal.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

2 weeks notice 2/7/2008

His outlash
an extempore vomiting of verbal bial
or an eruption of a volcanoe
brewing, pressurizing under the surface
for years

no one will ever know
his regret evident
his audience shocked
not needing direction
nor heeding requests from grandstanding peers

he turns, and walks away
I am jealous of what he may have been feeling
but he is probably jealous I still have a job

extempore \ik-STEM-puh-ree\, adverb:
1. Without premeditation or preparation; on the spur of the moment.

1. Done or performed extempore.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lake Walk 2/6/2008

her words - lubricious
her ora - lubricious
the sidwalk - lubricious

don't fall.

a collection of lubriciousness

lubricious \loo-BRISH-us\, adjective:
1. Lustful; lewd.
2. Stimulating or appealing to sexual desire or imagination.
3. Having a slippery or smooth quality.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

random quote

without honesty there can be no trust. Without trust there can be no love...

mind melder 2/5/08

Scanning the room
picking something light, airy
but still not a gimme

so much to choose from
lint, post it note upside down,
business card from someone i like
business card from some poser
pencils, dark chocolate chunks unmelted
large boxes of memories waiting to be discarded
desks, speakers, buildings, trees
even 20 or so wild turkeys running around below

what will I decide to attempt to move
with my mind.....

it can be done.

since it is my first attempt I choose the upside down post it note
I glare at it and tell it to move,
command it
as far as that note knows,
its world stops and starts with me
and my mind.

I am not sure if I was distracted by the acoustic grateful dead
the other sounds of the day
or the seaping thoughts that what I am doing is irrational
regardless, my efforts were ineffectual
the note still stares at me
now with a dual purpose

to remind me that I can not move even a simple piece of turqouise paper with my mind
and that the black keys are coming to town in april and I should buy tickets.

in the end I failed at moving it, but I did change it
from a single use note, to a double use note
with only my mind......
my mind can't move things, but I can rationalize anything to be a success
I guess I have just proven the therom of human weakness
the ability to fool ourselves into anything we want.

similar to young kids who show up to soccer games
I deserve a trophy.

ineffectual \in-ih-FEK-choo-uhl\, adjective:
Not producing the proper effect; without effect; weak; useless; futile; unavailing.

Monday, February 4, 2008

pigeon holed 2/4/2008

I have judged so many
can anyone win?
silent and still
you are dumb and fearful of speech
magniloquent and energetic
you are hiding behind large words plagiarized from someone or some publication
sarcastic and witty
you are trying to draw attention away from your shortcomings
strong and burly
overcompensating with muscles for smallness in other areas

the hole of where you can succeed in my eyes is so tiny
can anyone expect to live in that space?

labels create judgment,
without labels
people can just exist
I can bump in to them
and smile

magniloquent \mag-NIL-uh-kwent\, adjective:
Lofty or grandiose in speech or expression; using a high-flown style of discourse; bombastic.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Friendship 101 2/3/2008

to share yourself with others
a perquisite that need not be given
or discussed
will never rust, break, or wear
the memory may even grow

creating a soft landing space
pillow of feathers
a large task for each of us
one most never undertake

like charity,
allowing someone to confide in you
usually benifits the listener
much much more.

perquisite \PUR-kwuh-zit\, noun:
1. A profit or benefit in addition to a salary or wages.
2. Broadly: The benefits of a position or office.
3. A gratuity or tip for services performed.
4. Anything to which someone has or claims the sole right.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sunday confusion 2/2/2008

once a subtle subterfuge
replaces simple straight forward speech

the game officially begins
although in hindsight we all know that is very precicely
the exact moment that it all ends

we play the game out
sometimes quickly with sharp
high peaks of pain and confusion

other times with dull decay
and numb animosity
growing like a weed on a freeway overpass
sucking up C02, sprayed grease, and small specs of rubber
garbage in, garbage out
even the weed is looked upon as less
by its buddies in the forest

they pass messages through the birds songs
and salamanders slithers
but the overpass weed can't hear
because love blinds even overpass weeds

they continue to reach for the sky,
as that is salvation
not the cool underbelly
of the diamond lake overpass.

subterfuge \SUB-tur-fyooj\, noun:
A deceptive device or stratagem.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Gossip 2/1/2008

I mean
my mien
is mine
I own it
I choose it
you see it
you discuss it
when I leave
when I am gone

mien \MEEN\, noun:
1. Manner or bearing, especially as expressive of mood, attitude, or personality; demeanor.
2. Aspect; appearance.