Monday, June 16, 2008

Slow Train Coming 6/16/2008

his dilatory attitude and demeanor
was actually a blessing
for being a turtle
he was a master of patience
and the acceptance of needing little
wanting little
and moving slowly.

dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

JFK and his Day. 6/15/2008

His way may be next to the path
not necessarily on it
his methods may be uniquely logicall
in an illogical way
his laugh is contagious
and his compassion obvious
he cares more for others than himself
and will take on the tough stuff
that may or may not be appreciated in the long run
but will produce a better person or end game
he puts his nose in where it may not be requested
but where it is typically needed
he knows of his way
and has faith in it as one of the right paths
not necessarily the only path
he lets people fail
and helps them succeed
he pushes and pulls
and chases mom around like a 16 year old
in search of his second kiss
he lives each day
and loves his life

I thank him for all of this
not nearly enough
for the part of me that is he
is probably my most redeaming part

he will never need a claque
as all praise he recieves is genuine
and with much merit.

Happy Fathers Day JFK
I appreciate you.

claque \KLACK\, noun:
1. A group hired to applaud at a performance.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

BMW 3 series 6/11/2008

In Bloomington
or Brookfield
often thought believes
that a BMW 3 Series
a strached shirt
and a light blue tie
make one a patrician

Later one learns
that is not the case

patrician \puh-TRISH-un\, noun:
1. A member of one of the original citizen families of ancient Rome.
2. A person of high birth; a nobleman.
3. A person of refined upbringing, manners, and taste.

1. Of or pertaining to the patrician families of ancient Rome.
2. Of, pertaining to, or appropriate to, a person of high birth; noble; not plebeian.
3. Befitting or characteristic of refined upbringing, manners, and taste.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oil and lifestlye 6/10/2009

Americanize, American eyes,
view the world from American eyes
bury the past rob us blind
and leave nothing behind

Rage Against the Machine

We live our lives assuming a surfeit
of all we ever will need or use
"I deserve it"
"It is not fair"
We approach times where we will
be tested on our T-shirts and Bumper Stickers
when it comes down to more than talking about it
in a coffee shop over a $5 latte
what will you truly stand for and do?

I wish us all willpower connected to intelligence

surfeit \SUR-fit\, noun:
1. An excessive amount or supply.
2. Overindulgence, as in food or drink.
3. Disgust caused by overindulgence or excess.

transitive verb:
1. To feed or supply to excess.

Monday, June 9, 2008

1000000 cycle cancer cell 6/9/2008

My mission
to be a modern day
even if just for my own ego
minds eye preservation of what could be
what might have been
and how it flows to this screen
in words reflecting pain, happiness,
emotions in general that might not
break lips stuck with dry salt
and interlocked chapped skin

but here they can find a home
and reflect what lay inside
which might prosper outside of my body
but would be sure to attack
as a cancer from within

raconteur \rack-on-TUR\, noun:
One who excels in telling stories and anecdotes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bromaselzer Eddie Marx style

cousin eddie
one of my favorites
people and stories
business dinner
ate himself into repletion
and forgot about desert
waiters advice
about taking this pill
expansion of ones stomach
he claimed
just enough room
for the double chocolate cake

My idol.

repletion \rih-PLEE-shun\, noun:
1. The condition of being completely filled or supplied.
2. Excessive fullness, as from overeating.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waconia via glycogen stores 6/5/2008

3 hours after the ordeal
piercing down to see what was munching on my calf
time and time again
it eluded my gaze
realizing in my dissorientation of senses
that there was no minature monster
just a tremulous calf muscle or two
letting me know
that 122 miles of bicycling
is just too much

tremulous \TREM-yuh-luhs\, adjective:
1. Shaking; shivering; quivering; as, a tremulous motion of the hand or the lips; the tremulous leaf of the poplar.
2. Affected with fear or timidity; trembling.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

van gough beheaded 6/4/2008

scraped out of a painting
free from judgement
the scene before me
still but hazy from micromotions
nothing moved but thoughts in my head
rumination on unspecific topics
often leads to internal cumbustion
lachrymose souls and heavy hearts
for no one is free from regret
or silent questions

the tears may be from joy
or the sheer beuty of the spectical
as it changes,
and day falls to the feet
we pick it up, put it away
and bring it out in the marrow

lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Generating or shedding tears; given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

mexican car crash 6/3/2008

My life,
in the grand scheme of things,
a bagatelle

I value it like the holy grail
the drunk guy in the car
asleep at 75MPH
.2 milliseconds from ending my life
does not share my assessment of mine

but is empowered by his own
and will probably regret taking mine
at some point in his

bagatelle \bag-uh-TEL\, noun:
1. A trifle; a thing of little or no importance.
2. A short, light musical or literary piece.
3. A game played with a cue and balls on an oblong table having cups or arches at one end.

Monday, June 2, 2008

hockey playoffs 6-2-2008

she likes to go to big places
i like to look in small
when you understand the puzzle
a countermand breaks your ear
from the megaphone atop the mound
the mound you have never reached
nor really tried too
why is that.

you follow commands from a pile of dirt
smooth to a shape of a breast without gravity
the climb would be easy for you
but the fear that the commands would stop
and that thought would be your only exit
scares you similar to falling in a dream
knowing you probably won't die
but you still fear for some reason

orders are easy to follow,
always someone to blame

freedom is scary
it is not poison
but tastes of old ale
and sour fruit
to those that hope for mac and cheese

countermand \KOWN-tuhr-mand; kown-tuhr-MAND\, transitive verb:
1. To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given.
2. To recall or order back by a contrary order.

1. A contrary order.
2. Revocation of a former order or command.