Monday, July 7, 2008

unknown source of rambling. 7/7/2008

the sensation
anew, aknew
dr. gary gnu
was akin to something familiar
a gustatory tingle
upwards of his tonsils
but south of his eyes
which watering and red
realized that what they just saw
was a fist
a furious fist
with implications ripe with hospital bills and swelling
uncertainty of body image
and whether he would still be
"decent looking" or fall down to
"a nice guy"
over achieving currently
he knew his charm and wit
would only take him so far in this world
a world of large boats, white rimmed glasses
and other things he niether understood nor posessed
a grasp tight enough to embrace
he knew
in that one punch
his dreams were gone

gustatory \GUS-tuh-tor-ee\, adjective:
Of or pertaining to the sense of taste.

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