Friday, August 29, 2008

Senior 8/29/2008

one to redress the state of our nation
to address our narcissism as a country
and as individuals
to let us know that he will do his part
but success relies more on our part
and us holding each other and ourselves
to standards uncomfortable
even difficult
contact from the past
redressing disorder in the universe
a connection lost through space, time
and our northern border
relief, anticipation, uncertainty
to know the world still revolves on its access
feelings had, were indeed shared
and time does not weaken bonds
bonds created with truth, and stone
by those with character and heart
The world will right itself
as it always does
the next phase approaches
spinning with the momentum
of millions of souls
all hoping for the same thing

redress \rih-DRES\, transitive verb:
1. To put in order again; to set right; to emend; to revise.
2. To set right, as a wrong; to repair, as an injury; to make amends for; to remedy; to relieve from.
3. To make amends or compensation to; to relieve of anything unjust or oppressive; to bestow relief upon.

1. The act of redressing; a making right; reformation; correction; amendment.
2. A setting right, as of wrong, injury, or oppression; as, the redress of grievances; hence, relief; remedy; reparation; indemnification.

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