Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A study of Breathing 11/20/2007

forgiveness comes from deep within ones spirit
the will to seek and identify the blight
listen to your soul hard enough to hear it

the mind knows of ideas, not wrong or right
it is self fulfilling and prone to frustrate
the soul is the engine that sustains our flight

digging deep down into your hearts realestate
the cancer engulfs everything it can grab
Grasping its intirety you extirpate

recovery is quick, testing at the lab
results look good, procedure deemed a success
the load removed, the lifting of the slab

Insurance fees and self doubt just added stress
understanding lifes goal, live, not suppress

extirpate \EK-stur-payt\, transitive verb:
1. To pull up by the stem or root.
2. To destroy completely.
3. To remove by surgery.

A Terza Rima is a poem with an eleven syllable count in each line and a rhyming scheme
of aba, bcb, cdc, dd.

For even more of a challenge, try the Terza Rima Sonnet. This form of poem has an
eleven syllable count in each line and a rhyming scheme of aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.

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