Tuesday, April 15, 2008

awareness 4/15/2008

Putting people on pedestals
or looking up at someone so hard your neck can tire
can breed a miarsma that some never realize they are in
you want to please you want to be loved
you want something from them
and in return you give away your abilities
to percieve yourself and your actions
in the framework of your life
you are blind because your will
can easily outbox your sense of self
your belief that you can become something through them
can easily outweigh your belief in yourself without outside afformation

it is not the act of putting someone on a pedestal that is misleading
it is forgetting that fact.


PS taxes suck.

miasma \my-AZ-muh; mee-\, noun:
1. A vaporous exhalation (as of marshes or putrid matter) formerly thought to cause disease; broadly, a thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation.
2. A harmful or corrupting atmosphere or influence; also, an atmosphere that obscures; a fog.

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