Monday, April 28, 2008

James wilkes Booth V2 4/28/2008

pages in a maelstrom
flashing before your minds eye
faster than you can make out
but slow enough to understand the contents

fear is justified
but uncertain where to direct it
uncertainty mixed with fear is unpleasant

frozen from action
waiting for the impending doom

not sure what to fear
your mind will ensure you
put something in the box

but your mind also knows it is probably wrong
all assasins have 3 names
and are always caught

people like boogy men.
I prefer the box to be empty

maelstrom \MAYL-struhm\, noun:
1. A large, powerful, or destructive whirlpool.
2. Something resembling a maelstrom; a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs.

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