Wednesday, May 21, 2008

life on the downslope 5/21/2008

Once an avid Boulevardier
I am nothing more than
an alley cat
drained from my sweet sweet strolls
down a boulevard, of both the city
and the cities women
I now sleep on cardboard
and use playboy magazines for pillows
my only contact with females
crinkles in my ear.

boulevardier \boo-luh-var-DYAY; bul-uh-\, noun:
1. A frequenter of city boulevards, especially in Paris.
2. A sophisticated, worldly, and socially active man; a man who frequents fashionable places; a man-about-town.

1 comment:

Rickie Davies said...

Krum, You are scaring me. Are you really that hard up?