Friday, May 16, 2008

foot models and lake homes 5/16/2008

The lake, subfusc and still
draining the earth and sky
hording light rays wishing to find pigment
PJ bottoms and off the shoulder wares
with color and fabric smooth upon smooth skin
overlooking the scene
she sits back
tea steeping under cedar shakes
feet elevated, rested heel on kicked off slippers

color seeping out from skin tone on well shaped feet
injected into the cool still lake
the scene remains the same
but her presence converts the ora
from sadness to stillness
from impatience to calm
from anticipation
to arrival.

warm steam comforts her face
as she ponders the day to come
and the life ahead

tea steeped to perfection
one ripple then two
the wind, the day
starting as one.

subfusc \sub-FUHSK\, adjective:
Dark or dull in color; drab, dusky.

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