she likes to go to big places
i like to look in small
when you understand the puzzle
a countermand breaks your ear
from the megaphone atop the mound
the mound you have never reached
nor really tried too
why is that.
you follow commands from a pile of dirt
smooth to a shape of a breast without gravity
the climb would be easy for you
but the fear that the commands would stop
and that thought would be your only exit
scares you similar to falling in a dream
knowing you probably won't die
but you still fear for some reason
orders are easy to follow,
always someone to blame
freedom is scary
it is not poison
but tastes of old ale
and sour fruit
to those that hope for mac and cheese
countermand \KOWN-tuhr-mand; kown-tuhr-MAND\, transitive verb:
1. To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given.
2. To recall or order back by a contrary order.
1. A contrary order.
2. Revocation of a former order or command.
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