Wednesday, June 4, 2008

van gough beheaded 6/4/2008

scraped out of a painting
free from judgement
the scene before me
still but hazy from micromotions
nothing moved but thoughts in my head
rumination on unspecific topics
often leads to internal cumbustion
lachrymose souls and heavy hearts
for no one is free from regret
or silent questions

the tears may be from joy
or the sheer beuty of the spectical
as it changes,
and day falls to the feet
we pick it up, put it away
and bring it out in the marrow

lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Generating or shedding tears; given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.

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