Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oil and lifestlye 6/10/2009

Americanize, American eyes,
view the world from American eyes
bury the past rob us blind
and leave nothing behind

Rage Against the Machine

We live our lives assuming a surfeit
of all we ever will need or use
"I deserve it"
"It is not fair"
We approach times where we will
be tested on our T-shirts and Bumper Stickers
when it comes down to more than talking about it
in a coffee shop over a $5 latte
what will you truly stand for and do?

I wish us all willpower connected to intelligence

surfeit \SUR-fit\, noun:
1. An excessive amount or supply.
2. Overindulgence, as in food or drink.
3. Disgust caused by overindulgence or excess.

transitive verb:
1. To feed or supply to excess.

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