Monday, September 24, 2007

The magnificent Heron aka M E Z 9/24/2007

A majestic bird, slender, still, beautiful
Carries herself with the style of royalty
Stands on the shore taking in the moment
Pillows of fog paint the soft background
At peace with her role in nature
The most beautiful of birds, to me
Intricacies appreciated only by the experienced study
She stands oblivious to the attention she commands
Effortlessly she jumps from her silent cove
Her flight is smooth and peaceful
Large wings support the weight placed upon her by gravity and thought
Smooth strokes of strong feathers,
Hush, hush, hush
Tips touching the mirrored liquid
the earth breathing warm air aiding her journey
Coasting to a new safe harbor,
protected from the wind and commotion
Setting down without a sound
Gently landing in my dreams well into winter
Reminding me of my first experience
Standing transpontine, the water a natural barrier
The river too fast and deep to cross
that much I know from past attempts
If I could fly I would go to her.
Maybe if I am still.......

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