Friday, December 14, 2007

Oxyginated 12/14/2007

My heart once a fortress
used only for pumping blood
and maintaining life
my life
my goals
my desires
trained and strengthened
to beat fast or slow
to maintain oxygen
maintain all the stupid parts of my body

My heart with 3 chambers,
highways both inwards and out
arteries and veins
two types of pressure
niether do I understand
electrical currents that stimulate action
millions of times a year

My heart the source of my life
the engine.
something I never had to think about
a steady beating in my chest,
felt in my neck or wrist
doctors infer things from my pulse
wheather I am ok, or "healthy"

All it took was one woman
to come and then to go
like a single heart beat

My heart, the other one
the one that is frangible
the one that beats for someone else
that maintains something other than
my carcus, my framework
that won't help my eyes focus
but may help me see more clearly
that won't strengthen my grasp
but may put meaning in a hug
that won't be found by a doctor
but may be seen clearly by a friend or a child

My heart, the prime example
of the dichotomy between
what is real, and what is real.

frangible \FRAN-juh-buhl\, adjective:
Capable of being broken; brittle; fragile; easily broken.

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