Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pumpkin in the pack 1/30/08

Raising her right hand
to summon the masses to her will
power comes so freely
for those who don't seek mastery

standing on high
affront of the ones not ready to lead
or not capable
her canorous songs fill the air
and raise the spirits
of all who came with the hope that their spirits would be raised
self fulfilling proficies don't take away
from what is right and beautiful
in human expression

peace will be achieved through the ears
whether eyes are open or shut
minds closed or free
hearts wanting or giving

Jim Morrison once said
you can not petition that lord with prayer
but with song
it seems much less like a petition
and what are the odds that our friend Jim knew what he was talking about?

canorous \kuh-NOR-us; KAN-or-uhs\, adjective:
Richly melodious; pleasant sounding; musical.

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