Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wanting 1/6/2008

Opinionated, strong willed
unshy with comments,
lengthy diatribes about anything
some she had strong background in
others she just wanted to be heard
friable if questioned logically
turning away as if 5
and told she can't have a pony

friable \FRY-uh-buhl\, adjective:
Easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.


ami said...

Powerful words, my friend.
Nice one! :)

Rickie Davies said...

One day hopefully not too soon I will die,
I ask of those that are left to let my body fry,
Gone will be my loves, hopes and pains,
All that will be left would be my friable remains,
Then people won’t say “He doesn’t look so good.” as they cry.