Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thump 2/12/2008

The garage door
opens the world
cracks like the tension in a soda lid
slime green, algae frozen
on frogs tongue
his view different
breaching barriers
of temperature and position
I walk out backwards
since I am used to that view
the world, dry, brown
exhaust and wonderment
breath of horses wild through the nose
leaping through one dimension
then the next
sneaking around the back
peering through windows
to see if things are copacetic
without audio it is tough to tell
kicking to verify merit
double check on this reality
the gift I intend to give
long, stringy, and cracked
has no value to me
it is no gift

copacetic \koh-puh-SET-ik\, adjective:
Very satisfactory; fine.

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