Sunday, February 17, 2008

UNI 2/17/2008

Sizing him up,
I sense fear,
not the afraid kind,
but the kind that shows up to 7th grade gym class with an oozie
a cornered animal
about to show the world
how pestiferous and manly he is
to show the women they made a mistake
show his parents they should have loved him more
show his friends that he was not joking around

unfortunatly all that is done
is a reafffirmation of his weakness
in an ugly display of selfishness and narcasism

what ever he believes in
will not accept him as he suspects

pestiferous \pes-TIF-uh-ruhs\, adjective:
1. Bearing or bringing disease.
2. Infected with or contaminated by a pestilential disease.
3. Morally evil or dangerous to society; pernicious.
4. Bothersome; troublesome; annoying.

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