A collection of Poems and Short Ramblings
This blog is going to serve as a vehicle for publishing past poems, as well as an experiment in writing. I will write one poem per day for a year. I will include the "word of the day" from dictionary.com for that day in each poem, I will do my best.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Merit 2/13/2008
perdurable truths of the human condition tested for us all
perdurable \pur-DUR-uh-bul; pur-DYUR-\, adjective: Very durable; lasting; continuing long.
Training for a ½ marathon run, Signing up, I thought it would be fun, On the treadmill, I give it all I got, Perdurable my legs are not, After 13.1 miles, stick a fork in me, I will be done.
1 comment:
Training for a ½ marathon run,
Signing up, I thought it would be fun,
On the treadmill, I give it all I got,
Perdurable my legs are not,
After 13.1 miles, stick a fork in me, I will be done.
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